Hello everybody, today's Queer and Beer is taking place at 7pm as usual. We meet by the fountain on St. Johanner Markt.
Kategorie: Ankündigung
Diese Woche, am Mittwoch den 18.12., wieder Queergelesen statt! Es wird dieses Mal um 'Dreivariantencouch' von Jule Blum und Elke Heinicke gehen. Treffpunkt ist um 19:30 die Frauen-Genderbibliothek. Kommt gerne unabhängig vom Lesestand vorbei!
Morgen um 11:30 ist wieder Queer Lunch in der Mensa! Wie immer werden wir in der Nähe der Wasserspender sitzen. Falls euch das nichts sagt, die Wasserspender sind beim Ausgang vom Aufgang C. Solltet ihr uns nicht finden, könnt ihr auch immer eine Nachricht schreiben!
Queer Lunch is tomorrow at 11:30 at Mensa! As usual we'll sit in proximity to the water fountains. If you don't know where that is, the fountains are close to the exit of entrance C. If you have trouble finding us, just shoot us a message!
The next queer and beer will take place a week earlier (on 19.12.) and will be a trip to Christmas market, and the Queer Craft on 27.12. in Exodus will be a space to recover in if your holidays were difficult or you just want to escape from the festivities.
Christmas can be a difficult time for some of us, and some people can't or don't want to spend it with their relatives. So we thought it might be a nice idea to offer a way to spend it with some of your fellow local queers instead.
If you are able and willing to host an event, like a small get together among members of the AK queer, a queer "christmas" party or anything else you can use this short form. Just copy & paste it and post it into the Whats App group "Schwarzes Brett" and/or the Discord channel with the same name. People who want to join your event can message you privately and when all your spots are filled just edit or delete your message to prevent more people from applying.
If you respond to an offer and confirm you are coming, please try your best to attend or just tell the host beforehand if you wanna cancel. Its no issue, but this allows them to open up their offer again for others who might have been slower than you!
If you have any questions or issues arise, please don't hesitate to text a member of the Orga team.
I can host for holidays copy-paste:
(About me: ?)
Date and time: example 25.12. 19:00
Capacity: [number of] people
Guests: Only queer people/Everyone can come
Event Type: Christmas /Atheistic or non-Christian
Cooking: Cook Together/I cook for everyone
Food Type: Vegan/Vegetarian/With Meat/any
Alcohol: Yes/No
I want to attend copy-paste:
(About me: ?)
Food Type: I am vegan/vegetarian/eat meat
Food Allergies: for example Lactose, Gluten, Nuts
I can bring: for example Cookies, Salad
This thursday 12.12. the Queer Games Night is taking place at Café Exodus. Starting at 19 o'clock we'll meet up to play boardgames, cardgames or just hang out together and chat.
See you there!
Cafe Exodus: Johannisstraße 9
66111 Saarbrücken
Heute um 11:30 ist wieder Queer Lunch in der Mensa! Wie immer werden wir in der Nähe der Wasserspender sitzen. Falls euch das nichts sagt, die Wasserspender sind beim Ausgang vom Aufgang C. Solltet ihr uns nicht finden, könnt ihr auch immer eine Nachricht schreiben!
Queer Lunch is today at 11:30 at Mensa! As usual we'll sit in proximity to the water fountains. If you don't know where that is, the fountains are close to the exit of entrance C. If you have trouble finding us, just shoot us a message!
Liebe Bastler:innen,
Queer Craft findet *heute*, am 6.12., *leider nicht statt*. Stattdessen könnt ihr aber gerne ab *18:00* im Exodus zum *Karaoke Abend* gehen. Sie freuen sich über jeden der kommt 🙂
Dear Crafters,
Queer Craft is *sadly not happening today*, the 6th of December. But you can go to the *Karaoke Night* at Café Exodus starting at *6pm*. They would be happy for everyone that can come 🙂
Café Exodus
Johannisstr. 9
66111 Saarbrücken
Queer lunch is now happening, we're sitting between the pillars close to the water fountain. Come join us^^
Hello Everyone,
for this month's Queer & Beer we are going to Kosmos on Thursday (2024-11-28). This time, we'll have guests from Vielfalt im Alter, a group of queer people over 40 and we meet one hour earlier at 6pm. You can pay by card, as well cash.
We're looking forward to seeing you there!
This month's pub:
Kosmos | café kneipe club
Futterstraße 4, 66111 Saarbrücken