
Hello Everyone, we are now at Mensa for Queer Lunch, feel free to join us
Today we are the usual tables between the two pillars in front of menu A. We don't have any flags with us today, but you can recognize me by looking for someone with blue greenish hair and a yellow sweater ^^


Hey everyone,
as you know next week lectures are online and after that Uni is closed for a week so we wanted to annouce our plans for Queer lunch next week.
19.12 (today) : Queer Lunch as normal
26.12 : Mensa is closed and such no Queer Lunch
02.01 : Mensa opens again and we will meet up as usual
Take care and Happy Holidays


Hello Everyone,

For the Queer & Beer next Thursday the 22.12. we will go to the Saarbrücker Christkindlmarkt (Christmas Market) instead of a pub. Meeting Point is in front of the park deck döner at 18:00, and then we will take a stroll around the market and enjoy the festive mood.

We are looking forward to seeing you there!


Hello 🙂 Nochmal als kurze Erinnerung:
Heute Abend findet unsere Lesung mit Felicia Ewert über ihr Buch Trans.Frau.Sein in der Frauen Gender Bibliothek und es gibt immer noch freie Plätze!

Wenn ihr Lust habt vorbeizukommen, schickt einfach eine kurze Email an

Wir freuen uns! Bis dann ^^

Research Project: Queer History at UdS

Hello everyone,
Next year our university celebrates its anniversary and we from the AK Queer have taken this as an opportunity to shed some light on the queer history of the university and to record it for posterity. For this purpose we are looking for people who would like to join us in a small research project to go into the archives, to collect events and to talk to contemporary witnesses. You don’t have to study history or have any previous knowledge, but just want to participate within your capacities.
If you are interested, please contact me via Discord or phone and we will set a date for a first meeting, where we will talk about everything else.
I would be very happy if we could realize this project. 