QueerCraft, our weekly craft meetup, is taking place at Café Schrill this Friday! We start at 15.30 as usual, feel free to join us! Happy crafting
Autor: IFTTT
Because Cafe Exodus is otherwise occupied, today's Queer Games Night is taking place at Die Winzer instead.
Martin-Luther-Straße 5
66111 Saarbrücken
Queer Lunch is now at Mensa, we’re sitting at the usual tables next to the elevator. If you want to eat in good company, feel free to join us.
Next thursday (Juli 13th) the Queer Games Night is taking place at Café Exodus. Starting at 19 o’clock we’ll meet up to play boardgames, cardgames or just hang out together and chat.
See you there!
Cafe Exodus:
Johannisstraße 9
66111 Saarbrücken
Hallo liebe Kreativlinge !
Heute findet wieder „Queer Craft“ statt, unser kreatives Treffen
Wie immer ist es im Café Exodus, ab 15:30 Uhr
Bitte bringt eure eigenen Materialien mit
QueerCraft meetup is happening at 3.30 pm @ Café Exodus today! Please bring your own materials as usual
Small Update: QnA will be meeting at the room above SULB entry, the one where StarBooks used to be.
Hi! Diesen Mittwoch findet wieder ds QnA, also das Treffen für alle auf dem Aro- und/oder Ace-Spektrum statt. Wir treffen uns um 17:30 im Asta Freiraum. 😀
Hi! QnA – the meetup for everyone on the aro- and/or ace-spectrum is happening again this wednesday. We’ll meet at 17:30 at Asta Freiraum. 😀
Dear Creatives !
Today our creative meetup „Queer Craft“ is taking place again
As usual, it’s in Café Exodus, from 15:30 o’clock onwards
Please bring your own materials
Hallo liebe Kreativlinge !
Heute findet wieder „Queer Craft“ statt, unser kreatives Treffen
Wie immer ist es im Café Exodus, ab 15:30 Uhr
Bitte bringt eure eigenen Materialien mit
Reminder: Queer & Beer is taking place today, 19:00 at Mono