STD testing day

Hello @everyone,

on Wednesday the 11th the Queer Referat of the AStA has organized a STD testing day in cooperation with the Ministery of Health.
You will be able to get tested for free and completely anonymously from 12 to 16 o’clock at the Aula building (A3.3) on campus. You do not need an appointment just show up to the side entrance of the building and get your consult and test.

STDs like HIV are still a very stigmatized problem and we as the AK Queer want to offer everyone the safe and anonymous opportunity to help fight against the spread of these diseases. It can take years for symptoms to show which
is not only too late for you but also too late for the partners you had in those years. Even if you think you cannot have a STD it is still possible to contract them over other bodily fluids so better safe than sorry.

If you have any questions or know a major discord server/group chat where we could post this annoucement too you can DM me (Naya) at ShardsOfTheGoddess#6503

Stay safe and have a good first in person week

Your AK Queer representatives


Hello everyone,

Our monthly games night has changed its date; from now on, it is every second Thursday of the month instead of Wednesdays. 
Therefore, this week, it will happen on January 12. The location will be announced this evening. We are looking forward to seeing you there 🙂


Hello Everyone, we are now at Mensa for Queer Lunch, feel free to join us
Today we are the usual tables between the two pillars in front of menu A, you can recognize us by the rainbow flags.


Hi everyone! Q&A, the meetup for ace, aro and questioning people will happen today at 17:30 in the Asta building. Looking forward to seeing you there!

Einladung zur Mitgliederversammlung 2023

Liebe Studierende. Hiermit laden wir euch herzlich zu unserer nächsten Mitgliederversammlung am 26.01.2023 um 18:00 im Ratskeller ein. Unter anderem werden wir hier den Sprecher:innenrat neu wählen und unsere Statuten ändern. Wir freuen uns herzlich auf euer Kommen.
Dear students. We hereby cordially invite you to our next general meeting on 26.01.2023 at 18:00 in the Ratskeller. Among other things, we will elect a new speaker council and change our statutes. We are looking forward to your coming.


Hello Everyone, we are now at Mensa for Queer Lunch, feel free to join us
Today we are the usual tables between the two pillars in front of menu A. We don't have any flags with us today, but you can recognize me by looking for someone with blue greenish hair and a yellow sweater ^^


Hey everyone,
as you know next week lectures are online and after that Uni is closed for a week so we wanted to annouce our plans for Queer lunch next week.
19.12 (today) : Queer Lunch as normal
26.12 : Mensa is closed and such no Queer Lunch
02.01 : Mensa opens again and we will meet up as usual
Take care and Happy Holidays


Hello Everyone,

For the Queer & Beer next Thursday the 22.12. we will go to the Saarbrücker Christkindlmarkt (Christmas Market) instead of a pub. Meeting Point is in front of the park deck döner at 18:00, and then we will take a stroll around the market and enjoy the festive mood.

We are looking forward to seeing you there!