
Hello Everyone, we are now at Mensa for Queer Lunch, feel free to join us
Today we are the usual tables between the two pillars in front of menu A, you can recognize us by the rainbow flags.


Hello Everyone,
for Queer & Beer this Thursday we are going to the Nauwies. As always, we will meet there at 19:00. We don't know if paying by card is possible, so be prepared to pay by cash.

We're looking forward to seeing you there!

This week's pub:
Bistro Café Nauwies
Nauwieserstr. 22


Hallo alle zusammen, wir holen morgen (Di, 21.2. ) Queer Lunch nach Wir treffen uns am üblichen Mensa Tisch ab ca. 12 Uhr.

Hello everyone, we will do Queer Lunch tomorrow instead (Tue, 21.2.) We'll meet up from around 12 o'clock at the usual table at Mensa.


Hello Everyone, we are now at Mensa for Queer Lunch, feel free to join us
Today we are the usual tables between the two pillars in front of menu A, you can recognize us by the rainbow flags.


Hello Everyone, we are now at Mensa for Queer Lunch, feel free to join us
Today we are the usual tables between the two pillars in front of menu A, you can recognize us by the rainbow flags.


Next thursday the 9th of February the Queer Games Night is taking place at Café Exodus. Starting at 19 o'clock we'll meet up to play boardgames, cardgames or just hang out together and chat.
See you there!

Cafe Exodus:
Johannisstraße 9
66111 Saarbrücken
Cafe Exodus, Johannisstraße 9, 66111 Saarbrücken